Doreen Parsons Legacy Award

Doreen Parsons

Open to full and part-time students who will be enrolled in any year of study of any program within the Schools of Technology and Environment and Trades and Transportation.

Application assessment will consider

  • Financial need
  • Community involvement
  • Good academic standing
  • Self-identification: female
  • Alumni of the Women Unlimited program

About the award
Doreen Parsons is a founder and former CEO of the Women Unlimited Association. During her forty-year career, Doreen built things – mainly programs, social enterprises and community organizations that contributed to countless women’s lives. Women Unlimited stands as one of those programs, where close to 1000 diverse women built careers in the trades and technology sector in Nova Scotia. Doreen also built partnerships, empowering systems and industries where women were underrepresented to change, by respectfully engaging them. Finally, with the support of a dedicated team, she built a lasting future for the Women Unlimited program at NSCC, so that countless more women will thrive.

2 @ $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. To be considered eligible for this award, you must be an alumni of the Women Unlimited program. Please indicate that you meet this eligibility requirement.

  2. Women Unlimited Essay

    How has the Women Unlimited program impacted your life? Please comment on your involvement in the community and the importance of mentoring in your response.

  3. Community Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.