Pomerleau Construction Excellence Award


Open to full-time students who will be enrolled in any year of study of Construction Project Management at Ivany Campus.

Application assessment will consider

  • Financial need
  • Strength of character
  • Academic merit: achievement of a minimum average of 75% in most recent academic term at NSCC or other educational institution
  • Preference: self-identification as Mi’kmaw/Indigenous person and/or female

About the donor
Pomerleau is a privately owned family business, founded in 1964 in Quebec that is managed today by the second generation of the Pomerleau family. Innovation is at the core of our development. We’re among the largest general contractors in Canada, with more than 4,000 employees, nearly 200 active worksites, and nine regional offices. Our projects range in their degree of complexity and see us work alongside public authorities and real estate developers to complete buildings in the institutional, industrial, residential, and commercial sectors, with support from specialized suppliers.

1 @ $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Character Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.