Maxim Construction Award


Open to full-time students who will be enrolled in year 2 of Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Management Technology at the Ivany Campus. To be considered eligible for this award, you must have achieved an academic average of at least 75% in the first year of your program.

Application assessment will consider

  • Financial need
  • Commitment to their career in the construction industry
  • Academic average of at least 75% in the first year of program

About the award
The Maxim Construction Award has been established in support of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia’s (CANS) 150th Anniversary “Building Futures” Campaign. This campaign was launched in recognition of the value of education and the role of the construction sector in the growth of Nova Scotia’s economy.

The Maxim Construction Award has been designed to celebrate the CANS 150th anniversary and create a permanent endowment that will provide opportunities for individuals interested in the construction sector to access educational opportunities at NSCC and will help mitigate financial barriers or circumstances which might compromise the completion of their studies.

1 @ $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. To be considered eligible for this award, you must have achieved an academic average of at least 75% in the first year of your program. Please indicate that you meet this eligibility requirement.

  2. Construction Industry Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.