Urgent Aid - Pictou Campus

Urgent Aid (UA) funding is available to help current NSCC students with an unanticipated financial challenge that may impact successful program completion. In addition to campus-based Urgent Aid, there are several other funding initiatives available to help address immediate and unanticipated financial need. As part of this application process, you will be asked to identify any other funding streams you may be eligible to receive. Just like the general awards application process, your Urgent Aid application will be considered for any other urgent funding you may be qualified for.

As mentioned, Urgent Aid is designed to support unanticipated need. To be considered for Urgent Aid, you must:

  • Reside in Canada. International students who are residing outside of Canada are not eligible to apply for Urgent Aid.
  • Be enrolled and actively taking courses, either full or part time, in a program leading to an NSCC credential. This also includes the Adult Learning Program (ALP), Achieve, and Women Unlimited.
  • Be experiencing an unanticipated financial challenge – this must be an expense that was unexpected/unplanned and one that cannot be met by the resources you currently have available.
  • Be willing to explore all other funding resources and opportunities, including government loans, student awards, etc.
  • Demonstrate commitment to your education through regular attendance and completion of course requirements.
  • Complete and submit your application to the Urgent Aid opportunity for your campus.

Urgent Aid is not typically granted to support the following types of requests:

  • Payment of tuition or fees assessed by NSCC. Tuition and fees associated with a student’s program is not considered an unanticipated expense. Fees are well documented on our tuition and fees page on our website and therefore, does not align with the intention of Urgent Aid funding.
  • Expenses related to the financial concerns of others (family members, friends, etc.).
  • Support to cover cash flow difficulties that can be addressed through other means (i.e., tuition fee deferrals, payment plans, book credits, etc).

Application Process
The application process is outlined for students on Connect.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Completing your application for Urgent Aid
    Once you have completed all the application questions, you will be asked to make an appointment for an urgent aid meeting with a Student Services Advisor or Program Coordinator (ALP Counsellor, Achieve Program Coordinator, etc.) at your campus who will review your application and support you with your financial plan. You are asked to book your appointment BEFORE submitting your application. If you do not follow through with an appointment, the Student Awards Office will decline your application.

    Are you currently residing outside of Canada?

  2. Please briefly outline your urgent financial need.
    Urgent Aid supports students facing unanticipated financial challenges. How does your situation meet this criteria? Please explain the unanticipated nature of your request, what steps you have already taken to address this need through other means and how urgent aid will assist you in continuing with your studies.

  3. What is the amount of Urgent Aid you are requesting?

  4. Do you have an outstanding tuition balance at NSCC?

  5. Is your immediate need to address a temporary cash flow issue? (i.e. you have financial support coming later, but need help now)

  6. Upload your completed Budget Review Worksheet
    Please download and complete the Budget Review Worksheet found on Connect. Enter your name and Student ID in the file description when uploading your completed worksheet.

  7. Other Urgent Aid Funding Eligibility
    Your application will automatically be considered for other Urgent Aid funding, should you be eligible. Please indicate if you are a recipient of any of the following awards/funding initiatives. Check all that apply.

  8. In applying for Urgent Aid, I attest that:
    • I am demonstrating commitment to my education through regular attendance of all classes for my program of study.
    • I have sought other means of financial support for my education (i.e. student loan, student awards, family support, etc.).
    • I have reviewed the eligibility criteria and exclusions for this opportunity (found by clicking on the award name above).

  9. Make an appointment – Pictou
    Please make an appointment with a Student Services advisor at your campus or directly with your ALP Counsellor or Achieve Coordinator. Once you have completed this step, please submit your application.

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