Work-Integrated Learning Student of the Year Award

Awarded to a full-time student who will be a graduate in 2024 or returning to studies for the 2024-25 academic year; have completed a WIL experience (field experience, internship, seatime, or professional practice – click here to see a definition of Types of Work Experiences at NSCC) between January – December 2024.

Work-integrated learning is a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting. WIL experiences include an engaged partnership of at least: an academic institution, a host organization, and a student. WIL can occur at the course or program level and includes the development of student learning objectives and outcomes related to: employability, agency, knowledge and skill mobility and life-long learning (Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada, 2024).

Application assessment will consider:

  • Impact on Organization and any outstanding work achievements (e.g., cost savings, process/quality improvements, design/development innovations, improved customer services, significant research, or other initiatives, etc.)
  • Impact on Self and how the experience enhanced your personal, academic and career development
  • Impact on NSCC and how you have you helped to promote work-integrated learning to peers

About the award
Each year, NSCC gives out a non-monetary award to recognize the outstanding efforts by students in the area of work-integrated learning (non-co-op), the “Work-integrated Learning Student of the Year” award. The application for this award includes recommendations from NSCC faculty and the employer.

The winning application will be forwarded on for consideration of the Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada)’s Student of the Year Awards in January of 2025.

Winning students will receive a plaque, a certificate for their portfolio, and be nominated for CEWIL Canada's WIL Student of the Year award.
Supplemental Questions
  1. Benefits of Work-Integrated Learning Essay

    Please write an essay on the benefits of work-integrated learning. The essay should reflect your experience and can include topics such as:
    • the reasons why you participated in work-integrated learning and why you are happy you did; and
    • how work-integrated learning has enhanced your personal, academic, and career development.
  2. Faculty Recommendation for WIL Student of the Year Award

  3. Employer Recommendation for WIL Student of the Year Award