The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering Atlantic Award

Open to full-time students enrolled in their final year of study of Marine Engineering Technology or Marine Engineering Management Technology at the Strait Area Campus.

Application assessment will consider

  • Aptitude for the program
  • Academic merit (minimum average of 75%)
  • Preference: members of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering or a relative of a member

About the donor
The Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering offers several awards and bursaries to all Canadians enrolled at a recognized Marine Engineering Training facility. Please visit for details. The Atlantic Awards however are administered by the NSCC Trust Foundation through an endowment fund purchased by the Atlantic Branch of CIMARE. The recipient must demonstrate exceptional academic merit, a commitment to the profession of marine engineering and provide a minimum of one letter of reference from the applicants work term supervisor. The academic merit portion shall be based upon a course grade average of 75% or higher and feedback from NSCC faculty. The work term letter of reference should come from the Chief Engineer or the applicant’s immediate supervisor and outline the applicants’ practical work experience, aptitude for the profession, interest, and willingness to complete assigned tasks and any demonstrated leadership qualities. Preference for the award criteria is based upon Faculty recommendations and the career reference letter. If the student does not meet academic merit but exceeds expectations in the classroom and during their work term period, that student is encouraged to apply.

2 @ $2,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. For this award, preference will be given to members of the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering or relatives of a member. Please indicate if you meet this preferred requirement.

  2. Career Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.

  3. Chief Engineer or Immediate Supervisor (Work Term) Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.