Dave Freckelton Resiliency Award

Open to full and part-time students enrolled in any year of study in any program offered at the Pictou Campus.

Application assessment will consider

  • Ability to overcome obstacles in pursuit of an NSCC education
  • Commitment to leadership in supporting classmates and the NSCC community
  • Good academic standing

About the donor
After 41 years at NSCC, Dave Freckelton retired in February 2020 having been a teacher, Department Head and Principal at the Pictou Campus. Dave has a passion for teaching and learning, for students and for his community. He is a teacher, mentor and leader and a man of amazing compassion who saw how education transforms individuals, families and lives.

Dave often commented that NSCC is built on second chances for people and lived that every day in all his roles at NSCC and in his personal life. This award recognizes students who have overcome obstacles to attend NSCC and change their lives and who support their fellow students and their community when they are at NSCC.

1 @ $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Life Journey Essay

    Please articulate where you are within your life journey, where you hope to go in the future, and the role your education plays in this transition.

  2. Challenges and Obstacles Essay

    Outline the obstacles and challenges you have overcome in order to obtain your education. How has becoming an NSCC student reshaped the direction of your life?

  3. Leadership Behaviours Reference

    Before adding your reference details, you are encouraged to contact your reference to seek their permission. Confirm their email address and advise them that they will receive a request to log in to NSCC’s Student Awards system to complete the reference. You can resend the link to your reference at any time. You can also update your application to include a new reference contact if required.