Manuel Ribeiro Tourism Management Award

Open to full-time students who will be graduating from Business-Tourism at Akerley or Kingstec campus.

Students must demonstrate

  • Career aspirations
  • Why you are a good candidate to receive this award
  • Involvement in extra-curricular activities and/or volunteer work and/or leadership positions at NSCC
  • Good academic standing

About the donor
This award has been made possible by funds raised at the annual Touch of Class culinary event at Akerley Campus. The NSCC Student Awards program is funded by donors, partners and sponsors through the NSCC Foundation.

1 @ $1,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. NSCC Involvement Essay

    Provide a summary of your participation in extra-curricular activities and/or volunteer work and/or leadership positions at NSCC. Please include the time periods in which you were involved and a description of your duties for each activity.

  2. Good Candidate Essay

    Why do you feel you are a good candidate to receive this student award?